mardi 18 février 2025

TPS Renewal at the Heart of the Haitian Forum in the United States and the discussions highlighted the key role of organizations such as Mobile Health Clinic and Beyond Borders, which work to improve the living conditions of Haitians in the United States and Haiti.

 TPS Renewal at the Heart of the Haitian Forum in the United States

On February 18, 2025, the Haitian community in the United States gathered for the 15th edition of the Haitian Forum, organized by Rockland County Haiti Relief and Konbit Nèg Lakay at Dominican University in New York. This event, which has become a tradition, brought together several influential figures, including American Congressman Michael Lawler, testifying to the importance of the debates that took place there.

Among the themes discussed, a crucial issue attracted attention: the renewal of TPS (Temporary Protected Status) for Haitian migrants. This measure, which offers temporary protection to Haitians living in the United States, is essential for thousands of families who fear the uncertainty of a forced return to a country plagued by instability.

According to Willy Jean Louis, PressHaiti correspondent in the United States, in addition to the TPS, the discussions highlighted the key role of organizations such as Mobile Health Clinic and Beyond Borders, which work to improve the living conditions of Haitians in the United States and Haiti.

The initiative was welcomed by several groups, including Prodige Association and the Haitian Youth Cohabitation Movement, who are hoping for significant progress following this forum. Their anticipation is high, because the future of many Haitians depends on the decisions that will be made.

This forum once again demonstrates the solidarity and determination of the Haitian diaspora to defend its rights and work for a more stable future.

lundi 10 février 2025

Victim of an assassination attempt investigative journalist Willy Jean-Louis and influential member of a political party

 Victim of an assassination attempt investigative journalist Willy Jean-Louis and influential member of a political party

Victim of an assassination attempt investigative journalist Willy Jean-Louis and influential member of a political party

Victim of an assassination attempt, journalist Willy Jean-Louis. On the night of Wednesday, May 17, 2023 at 9:30 a.m., de Vries hailed as a "national hero"

Targeted by gunfire outside a television studio, journalist Willy Jean-Louis. De Vries is still fighting for his life. Known for his work on unsolved cases, his role as a witness or expert in political and judicial cases would have made him the target of certain criminals

life Wednesday evening May 17, 2023 in a hospital in the provincial city of Jacmel (St Michel Hospital) it was around 9:30 p.m. he would be returning home after participating in a political debate show, he had been targeted by gunfire in a street in downtown Jacmel, when he had just left the television studio of a social political show where he had appeared as a guest.

This 35-year-old man who grew up in a religious family in Jacmel, in the suburbs of the provincial city, made a name for himself as an intrepid journalist specializing in political affairs for the popular daily De Haïti presse.

"We condemn in the strongest terms this assassination attempt on a journalist who is only doing his job," said Pauline LECARPENTIER, Secretary General of the Human Rights Office in Haiti. "The authorities must react immediately by opening an investigation to identify and punish the perpetrators and by ensuring the safety of the journalist and his family. Willy Jean-Louis has gained 27 places in the World Press Freedom Index just published by DHPI, and must continue in this direction by ensuring the exercise of free and secure journalism in the country." Asked by Haiti Monde info

Pierre Richard Jean declares as a neighbor and witness to this scene he mentioned "during the night of Wednesday, May 17, 2023 around 9:30 p.m. while I was at my home located at #35, Rue blockos, Jacmel/Haiti, I heard noises of arguments and screams coming from the home of my neighbors, Willy Jean-Louis and his wife Herlande Jean-Marc. Shortly after I heard violent blows on the walls and detonations that I identified as gunshots. I then looked out my window and saw several individuals attacking my neighbors' house by throwing stones and also saw Mrs. Herlande Jean-Marc come out of the house and try to calm the attackers unfortunately her efforts were in vain and she was even the victim of a stone thrown, then I saw Mr. Willy Jean-Louis come out in turn, and it was At that moment I saw the attackers hit him with a machete and terrified by the violence of the scene, I stayed at my window until the arrival of the Haitian National Police".

Photo credit

Written by the journalist

Victime d'une tentative d'assassinat le journaliste investigation willy Jean-Louis et membre influent d'un parti politique

 Victime d'une tentative d'assassinat le journaliste investigation willy Jean-Louis et membre influent d'un parti politique

Victime d'une tentative d'assassinat, le journaliste Willy Jean-Louis. La nuit du mercredi 17 mai 2023 à 9h30, de Vries salué comme un «héros national»

Visé par des tirs à la sortie d’un studio de télévision, le journaliste Willy Jean-Louis. De Vries lutte toujours pour sa vie. Connu pour son travail sur les affaires non résolues, son rôle en tant que témoin ou expert dans des affaires politiques et judiciaires en aurait fait la cible de certains criminels

 vie mercredi soir 17 mai 2023 dans un hôpital de la ville de province jacmel ( Hôpital St Michel) il était environ 9h 30 du soir il rendrait  chez lui après avoir participé à une émission de débat politique, il avait été visé par des tirs dans une rue du centre-ville jacmel, alors qu’il venait de quitter le studio de télévision d’une émission sociaux politiques  où il était intervenu en tant qu’invité.

Cet homme de 35 ans qui a grandi dans une famille croyante à jacmel, dans la banlieue de la ville de province, s’est fait un nom en tant que journaliste intrépide spécialisé dans les affaires politiques pour le quotidien populaire De Haïti presse.

"Nous condamnons avec la plus grande fermeté cette tentative d’assassinat, sur un journaliste qui ne fait que son travail, déclare , le secrétaire général du bureau des droits humains en Haïti Mme Pauline  LECARPENTIER , Les autorités doivent impérativement réagir en ouvrant une enquête afin d’identifier et punir les coupables et en assurant la sécurité du journaliste et de sa famille. Willy Jean-Louis a gagné 27 places au Classement mondial de la liberté de la presse que vient de publier DHPI, et doit continuer dans ce sens en assurant l’exercice d’un journalisme libre et sécurisé dans le pays".

Interroger par Haïti Monde info 

Pierre Richard jean déclare t-il comme voisin et témoin cet scène il a mentionné " au cours de la nuit du mercredi 17 mai 2023 vers les 9h30 du soir alors que je me trouvais à mon domicile situé au #35, Rue blockos, Jacmel/Haïti, j'ai entendu des bruits de disputes et des cris provenant du domicile de mes voisins, Willy Jean-Louis et son épouse Herlande Jean- Marc. Peu de temps après j'ai entendu des coups violents sur les murs et des détonations que j'ai identifiées comme étant des coups de feu. J'ai regardé alors par ma fenêtre et j'ai Vu plusieurs individus, s'en prendre à la maison de mes voisins en lançant des pierres et également aperçu Madame herlande jean-marc sortir de la maison et tenter de calmer les agresseurs malheureusement ses efforts sont restés vain et a même été victime d'un jet de pierre, ensuite j'ai vue monsieur Willy Jean-Louis sortir à son tour, et c'est à ce moment-là que j'ai vu les agresseurs le frapper avec une machette  et terrifié par la violence de scène, je suis resté à ma fenêtre jusqu'à l'arrivée de la police nationale d'Haïti".

Crédit photo 

  Écrit par le journaliste